Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

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Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

     Выполнила: студентка

              261 группы

     Клетухина Е.В.

              Проверила: преподаватель

     Ромашкина С.В.

Самара 2016



1. Chapter 1 Holiday in Great Britain....................................................................2

2. Chapter 2 Holiday in Russia..........................................................................


Literature ................................................................................


Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. They are a part of a national history. Traditions make a nation special. Some of them are old-fashioned but people remember and follow them, others are part of people’s lives. Some British customs and traditions as well as some holidays are known all over the world but there are also holidays which are known only in Great Britain.                      At the school English lessons we studied some popular British holidays such as Christmas, St Valentine`s Day, Guy Fawkes Night and the ways the British spend them. I found this information very interesting but not sufficient. I would like to know about the historical roots of these holidays which determined their characteristics. Also I would like to learn about some typically British holidays.    Great Britain is a country of customs and traditions. A lot of them have very long histories. Some are funny, some are strange. But they all are interesting and they are internal and essential part of the British way of life. There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are the days when most of offices and shops are closed and people don"t need to go to the work. British Bank Holidays are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year"s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday. Bank Holiday is official day off, common day of rest, besides Sunday. British bank holidays have been recognized since 1871. The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when banks were shut and so no trading could take place during this time. This time is often spent with family. Besides public holidays, there are also different festivals, anniversaries, special days for example Bonfire Night on which certain traditions are observed. Like the whole world, Russian people love celebrating their holidays. Celebrations in Russia reflect many aspects of its history, culture and traditions. Some Russian festivities are official public holidays and government offices, schools and banks have their days off.  These are New Year (January, 1st – 5th), Orthodox Christmas (January, 7th), Defender of the Motherland Day (February, 23rd), International Women’s Day (March, 8th), Spring and Labour Day (May, 1st), Victory Day (May, 9th), Russia Day (June, 12th), National Unity Day (November, 4th) and Constitution Day (December, 12th).

           The Russians usually celebrate holidays with plenty of food and presents. The most popular holiday is New Year’s Day. Russian people decorate fir-trees, cook delicious meals, make fireworks. All children wait for Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka to get presents from them. On Christmas people visit their relatives and friends and tell fortunes.

Holiday in Great Britain

Regional variations

·         In Scotland, while New Year"s Day and Christmas Day are national holidays, other bank holidays are not necessarily public holidays, since the Scots instead observe traditional local custom and practice for their public holidays.

·         In Northern Ireland, once again, bank holidays other than New Year"s Day and Christmas Day are not necessarily public holidays.

·         Good Friday and Christmas Day are common law holidays, except in Scotland, where they are bank holidays

  • In Scotland the holiday on 1 January (or 2 January if 1 January is Sunday) is statutory. If New Year"s Day is Saturday a substitute holiday is given on 4 January by Royal Proclamation. 2 January is given by Royal Proclamation, with a substitute holiday on 4 January if it is Saturday and 3 January if it is Sunday or Monday. Outside Scotland, 1 January is given by Royal Proclamation, or 3 January if it is Saturday and 2 January if it is Sunday.
  • In Scotland, 25 December is a statutory holiday (or 26 December if Christmas Day falls on a Sunday). 26 December is given by Royal Proclamation if it is neither Saturday, Sunday or Monday. 27 and 28 December are given by Royal Proclamation if Christmas Day is Saturday. 28 December only is given if Boxing Day is Saturday.
  • Outside Scotland, if Christmas Day is a Sunday there is an additional statutory holiday on 27 December. By Royal Proclamation, if Christmas Day is a Saturday there is a substitute holiday on 28 December. If Boxing Day is a Sunday there is again a statutory holiday on 27 December, and if Boxing Day is a Saturday there is a substitute holiday by Royal Proclamation on 28 December. Effectively what happens is that if a holiday falls at the weekend a substitute day is given in lieu.

Good Friday in United Kingdom

(just before Easter Sunday)

1.     Good Friday is just before Easter Sunday and is a public holiday in the United Kingdom.

2.     Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is a public holiday in the United Kingdom.

3.     It falls just before Easter Sunday, which is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox.

4.     People who regularly attend church will probably attend a special church service on Good Friday.

5.     For other people, it is a day off work in the spring.

6.     Some people use the day to work in their gardens, while others take advantage of the long Easter weekend and the school holidays at this time of year to take a short vacation.

7.     Many Catholics do not eat meat on Good Friday.

8.     This means that, in some areas, it is common to eat fish on this day.

9.     It is traditional for all denominations to eat hot cross buns.

10.                       These are made of leavened dough, to which sugar, currants and spices have been added.

11.                       The top of the bun is marked with a cross made of flour and water paste or rice paper.

12.                       The buns are eaten as they are or split in half, toasted and spread with butter.

13.                       There is a traditional rhyme about these buns, which is often used to teach children basic music notes.

Easter Sunday in United Kingdom (the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox)

1.     Easter Sunday in the United Kingdom is traditionally about Jesus Christ"s resurrection from death, according to Christian belief.

2.     However, many people use the day to decorate Easter eggs, share chocolate eggs and participate in Easter egg competitions.

3.     The Easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox.

4.     It is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox.

5.     People who regularly attend church often attend special services on Easter Sunday.

6.     These may be longer or more elaborate than on other Sundays.

7.     In churches, it is generally a festive occasion with an emphasis on the dawn of a new life. In Battersea Park in London, there is a large Easter parade.

8.     Easter is an important time for the confectionery industry.

9.     In the United Kingdom, Easter eggs are often large hollow chocolate eggs filled with bonbons or other candy.

10.                       The eggs are covered in decorative foil and packaged in elaborate boxes.

11.                       Many people celebrate Easter Sunday by decorating, exchanging or searching for eggs.

12.                       The eggs may be fresh or boiled eggs laid by chickens or other birds, chocolate eggs or eggs made of other materials.

13.                       Many children believe that the Easter bunny or rabbit comes to their house or garden to hide eggs.

14.                       They may search for these eggs or find that the Easter bunny has left them in an obvious place.

15.                       Some businesses and attractions hold Easter egg hunts.

16.                       These can be competitions to see who can collect the most eggs.

17.                       In some parts of the United Kingdom, people roll hard boiled down slopes.

18.                       In other places, there is a game in which people roll hard boiled eggs against other peoples" eggs.

19.                       The winner is the person whose egg remains whole.

20.                       After the game, the eggs are eaten. In some parts of Scotland, fondant filled chocolate eggs about the size of a hen"s egg are covered in batter and deep fried.

Easter Monday in United Kingdom

(the day after Easter Sunday)

1.     Easter Monday occurs after Easter Sunday, which commemorates Jesus Christ"s resurrection, according to Christian belief. It is a bank holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland but not Scotland.

2.     For many people, Easter Monday is the last day in a four day weekend.

3.     If people have been on a short vacation or have visited family or friends, who live some distance away, they often travel back on this day.

4.     For other people, it is just a welcome day off to enjoy the spring weather or work on their garden or home improvements.

5.     In some places, there are egg rolling competitions, Easter bonnet parades, displays of traditional Morris dancing fairs or special sports matches.

6.     In Biddenden, Kent, special cakes are distributed in memory of conjoined twins born in 1100, who lived to the age of 34.

7.     In Leicestershire, the villages of Hallaton and Medbourne hold a bottle kicking match.

8.     It has been held at least since the early eighteenth century, but its roots may be in pagan times.

9.     The event starts with the three bottles and a hare pie, which are actually wooden barrels, a parade through the two villages.

10.                       Two of the barrels are filled with beer. The third is actually solid wood.

11.                       The actual game consists of the two teams taking turns to get the three barrels across two streams a mile apart, by any means possible.

12.                       The game is quite rough and participants can leave the game for refreshments at any time.

13.                       The winning village gets to take the filled barrels to the local pub.

Early May Bank Holiday in United Kingdom

(on the first Monday of May)

1.     May Day, or the Early May Bank holiday, is on the first Monday of May each year.

2.     The first Monday of May is a bank holiday in the United Kingdom.

3.     It called May Day in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

4.     It is known as the Early May Bank Holiday in Scotland.

5.     It probably originated as a Roman festival honoring the beginning of the summer season (in the northern hemisphere).

6.     In more recent times, it has been as a day to campaign for and celebrate workers" rights.

7.     In many places, the first day or the first Monday in May is celebrated as the start of the summer season.

8.     Events are held to celebrate the end of the winter season and the fertility and hope of the approaching summer.

9.     A particularly widespread tradition is that of maypole dancing.

10.                        Children, particularly girls, dance around a tall pole, from which ribbons are suspended.

11.                        The aim of the dance is to create a decorative pattern on the pole with the ribbons.

12.                        Many schools, particularly in rural areas, organize displays of maypole dancing.

13.                        Other traditions include making floral garlands, decorating houses with flowers and leaves and crowning a May queen as a living image of the Roman goddess Flora.

14.                        In some areas, girls go out very early to wash their faces in the morning dew.

15.                        This is supposed to make them very beautiful in the coming year.

16.                        In Rochester, there is a festival of chimney sweeps. Traditionally, May 1 was the only day in the year that they did not have to work.

17.                        In Derbyshire, villagers decorate, or dress, the wells with flowers.

18.                        May 1 or the first Monday in May is also a day for large marches, particularly London, to celebrate and demand rights for workers.

19.                        Many aspects of these marches are organized by the trade unions. Some people travel very large distances to join in the marches.

20.                        In some years, the marches have ended violently, but in recent times they have remained peaceful.

Spring Bank Holiday in United Kingdom

(the last Monday of May)

1.     The spring bank holiday in the United Kingdom is on the last Monday of May each year.

2.     The spring bank holiday, also known as the late May bank holiday, is a time for people in the United Kingdom to have a day off work or school.

3.     It falls on the last Monday of May but it used to be on the Monday after Pentecost.

4.     For many people the spring bank holiday is a pleasant day off work or school.

5.     Some people choose to take a short trip or vacation.

6.     Others use the time to walk in the country, catch up with family and friends, visit garden centers or do home maintenance.

The Queen"s Diamond Jubilee in United Kingdom
(5 Jun)

1.     The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee bank holiday was held in the United Kingdom on June 5, 2012.

2.     This event honored the 60-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II in the UK.

3.     The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrated 60 years of the Queen’s reign.

4.     Celebrations were held across the UK during the first week of June in 2012.

5.     Many people had a day off work or school to celebrate the bank holiday on June 5, 2012.

Summer Bank Holiday in United Kingdom

(the first Monday of August)

1.     The summer bank holiday is on the first Monday of August in Scotland and the last Monday of August in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2.     In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the summer bank holiday is on the last Monday of August.

3.     In Scotland it is on the first Monday of August.

4.     This day marks the end of the summer holidays for many people who return to work or school in the autumn.

5.     For many people, the summer bank holiday marks the end of the summer.

6.     Some people take trips or short vacations during the three day weekend.

7.     For others, it is another opportunity to work in their gardens or carry out home improvements.

8.     In London the Notting Hill Carnival is held.

9.     This street festival is best known for its exuberant costumes, dancing and music played by steel drum bands.

10.                       The festival has been held every year since 1965 and was originally organized by immigrants from the Caribbean, particularly Trinidad, to the United Kingdom.

11.                       It started as a protest against the racism, poor working and housing conditions that they suffered.

12.                       Today, the Notting Hill Carnival is a multicultural celebration, attracting over two million people.

13.                       It is thought to be the second largest street carnival in the world.

14.                       In the past, a considerable amount of public disorder occurred round the event, but it has been calmer in recent years.

Halloween in United Kingdom

(31 Oct)

1.     Halloween is a holiday annually celebrated on October 31.

2.     Some people hold Halloween parties on or around this date, where the hosts and guests often dress up as skeletons, ghosts or other scary figures.

3.     Common symbols of Halloween include pumpkins, bats and spiders.

4.     Halloween celebrations in the United Kingdom include parties where guests are often expected to arrive in a costume to reflect the day"s theme.

5.     Other people gather together to watch horror films, either at home or at a cinema.

6.     Some children go trick-or-treating.

7.     This means that they dress up and go to other peoples" houses, knocking on the door for treat of sweets or a snack.

8.     Those who do not give out a treat may be tricked with a joke instead.

9.     Halloween has its origins in pagan festivals in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

10.                       Many stores and businesses see Halloween as a chance to promote products with a Halloween theme.

Guy Fawkes Day in United Kingdom

(5 Nov)

1.     Guy Fawkes Night is annually held on November 5.

2.     It is sometimes known as Bonfire Night and marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605.

3.     Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks.

4.     Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks.

5.     As it is the end of autumn, it is the ideal opportunity to burn garden rubbish.

6.     Some light small bonfires in their own gardens, while other light larger ones in a communal space.

7.     In some towns and cities, the municipality organizes a bonfire and professional firework display in a park.

8.     These tend to be very popular.

9.     Due to its proximity to Halloween, many people organize a combined party for Guy Fawkes Night and Halloween.

10.                       These parties often include elements from both festivals, such as a bonfire and dressing up in spooky outfits.

11.                       Popular foods include toffee apples, bonfire toffee and potatoes baked in the ashes of the fire.

12.                       Guy Fawkes, a Catholic, was arrested, tortured and executed for his part in the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

13.                       Hence many Catholics are more restrained in their celebration of this day.

14.                       In addition, many injuries and even deaths occur as a result of fireworks being used incorrectly.

15.                       For this reason, many safety campaigners call for the sale of fireworks to the public to be restricted even more than at present and for more professional displays to be organized.

Christmas Day in United Kingdom

(25 Dec)

1.     Christmas Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom on December 25.

2.     It traditionally celebrates Jesus Christ"s birth but many aspects of this holiday have pagan origins.

3.     Christmas is a time for many people to give and receive gifts and prepare special festive meals.

4.     What do people do?

5.     Prior to Christmas Day, people decorate their homes and gardens prior to Christmas Day.

6.     These decorations may include:

7.     Christmas trees.

8.     Small colored fairy lights.

9.     Leaves and berries from holly trees and mistletoe bushes.

10.                       Various other decorations with rich colors that spark the Christmas mood.

11.                       In many towns and cities, the shopping streets are also decorated with lights and large pine trees.

12.                       In some places a Nativity scene is arranged.

13.                       This illustrates the story of Jesus" birth using statues or actors and live animals.

14.                       Many churches hold special services in the night before Christmas Day.

15.                       Many people spend Christmas Day with family members, with whom they exchange gifts and cards.

16.                       Many children wake up to find a sock or stocking filled with small gifts on their bed .

17.                       These have supposedly been brought by a mythical figure called "Father Christmas" or "Santa Claus".

18.                       He travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and enters houses by climbing down the chimney.

19.                       He hopes to enjoy a small snack of mince pies and brandy at each house.

20.                       He supposedly travels so fast that he can deliver presents to all children in one night.

21.                       Although some in some stories elves help him with his work.

22.                       Later in the day, people may attend special church services, even if they do not usually go to church.

23.                       Nearly everyone prepares and eats a special meal.

24.                       This often includes roast turkey, potatoes and parsnips, and other vegetables.

25.                       After the main course, Christmas pudding is often eaten.

26.                       This is a heavy steamed, dense, cake-like pudding filled with dried fruit and nuts.

27.                       Burning brandy is often poured over it as it is served, giving a spectacular effect.

28.                       Mince pies are also popular on Christmas Day.

29.                       They are sweet pastry cases filled with a mixture of dried fruit, fat and alcohol.

Boxing Day in United Kingdom

(26 Dec)

Boxing Day in the United Kingdom is the day after Christmas Day and falls on December 26. Traditionally, it was a day when employers distributed money, food, cloth or other valuable goods to their employees. In modern times, it is an important day for sporting events and the start of the post-Christmas sales.

Boxing Day is traditionally day for sporting events such as fox hunting with dogs (which is now outlawed).

1.     For many people Boxing Day is a time to recover from the excesses of Christmas day and an opportunity to spent time with family, friends and neighbors.

2.     Some people choose to go for a walk in the countryside, while other flock to the post-Christmas sales in large stores that often begin on Boxing Day.

3.     Some people even spend part of the night and early morning queuing to get into the stores when the best bargains are still available.

4.     Boxing Day is also an important day for sports events.

5.     Traditionally, using dogs to hunt for foxes was a popular sport amongst the upper classes.

6.     Pictures of hunters on horseback dressed in red coats and surrounded by hunting dogs are often seen as symbolic of Boxing Day.

7.     Nowadays, fox hunting is outlawed. Horse racing and football (soccer) are now popular sports.

Holyday in Russia

Official State Public Holidays


The biggest holiday in Russia which most people look forward to is the New Year celebrations. For Russians this celebration is similar to how Christmas is celebrated in the West, ie with family, presents, and lots of food and drink. Unlike most Western New Year celebrations where people meet the New Year with friends, in Russia it is predominately a family occasion. Like the Western Christmas tree, Russian homes will be decorated with a New Year tree. The traditional food is the Russian "olivie" salad and the drink of choice is Shampanskoe (the Russian champagne). Like the West has Father Christmas or Santa Claus on Christmas, on New Year"s Eve in Russia Dyed Moroz (Grandfather Frost) visits Russian children to hand out presents and treats, often accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka the Snow Maiden. People also give their family, friends and colleagues New Year presents. and most firms hold corporate parties around the New Year. Before 2005 Russians just got 1-2 January off for New Year, but now 1-5 January and then 8 January are designated non-working days. The 7 January is also a public holiday - Orthodox Christmas. This means that the first eight days of the year are non-working holidays in the country. Taking into account swapping weekends for working days, Russians went back to work on 11 January in 2011, on 10 January in 2012 and on 9 January in 2013! These long holidays though are not popular with everybody, some people argue that it is stupid to have such a long break from work in January when the country is in the midst of winter.


Since 1991 Orthodox Christmas has been a non-working public holiday in Russia and since 2005 it has been combined with the long New Year holidays. You may be wondering why Christmas falls after the New Year in Russia. The reason is that when the Julian Calendar was adopted in 1918 the Russian Orthodox Church retained the Gregorian Calendar to celebrate holy dates. Christmas predominantly remains just a religious holiday in Russia and Orthodox Christians start celebrating at a midnight service in church on Christmas Eve.


The 23 February is Defenders of the Fatherland Day which since 2002 has been an official public holiday in Russia. It is not exactly known for sure why this holiday is celebrated on 23 February. As often happens in Russia, the reason was created after the fact. The main theory is that on this day (or a day close to it) the first mass draft into the Red Army took place in 1918 during the Russian Civil War. Another theory is the victory over the Germans outside Pskov and Narva in 1918. Today the holiday serves as an unofficial male-equivalent of International Women’s Day for all men irrespective of their connection to the military. It is customary for women to give male relations and colleagues presents on this day such as aftershave, socks, underwear or souvenirs. On some years the day-off for Defenders of the Fatherland Day is moved to extend the May holidays instead.


The 8 March is International Women’s Day, and even though it is international the day has a special history in Russia where it is marked with a day off work. Curiously enough the 8 March celebration is connected with the revolutionary movement in Russia. It was first celebrated in St Petersburg in 1913 as a Western trend. But in 1921 it was decided to celebrate 8 March in commemoration of the female textile workers who took part in demonstrations on 8 March 1917, at the time of the Russian Revolution. In 1966 the 8 March became an official public holiday in the USSR. Gradually the political nature of the celebration was forgotten and now it is a celebration of all women. On this day in Russia you will see that practically every woman is carrying a bunch of flowers given to her by a male colleague, boss or family member. The celebration though is not officially endorsed by the Russian Orthodox Church, firstly as it often falls during Lent and secondly because of its revolutionary beginnings.


Russia celebrates this holiday along with another 141 countries. In Russia it became an official holiday after the October Revolution of 1917. Since then 1 May demonstrations have been held annually all over the country by workers who fly banners with various slogans. After the fall of the Soviet Union such demonstrations stopped but in the 21st century they started to be held once more, but of a more political nature with various political parties of all spectra holding rallies on this day. Although it is far from a political holiday for many and most people still prefer to go to their dacha or otherwise relax on what is usually the first warm and sunny day-off of the year.


Victory Day is one of the biggest and most spectacular holidays in Russia. The Second World War, or the Great Patriotic War as it is known in Russia, affected practically every Russian family. Today people will recollect how their father, grandfather or great-grandfather reached Berlin, or how a relative was killed in action or perished at the hands of the Nazis. The exact number of Soviet deaths during the war is unknown but it is thought to be over 26 million. Therefore it is no surprise that Victory Day remains an important day here and is commemorated with military parades, fireworks and the laying of flowers on war graves. It is a time for remembrance but also celebration and the remaining veterans put on their medals and walk with pride as the younger generations give them flowers and show their respect. Many also mark the occasion with their families by telling war stories and singing war songs.


There are many holidays in Russia. But the most popular is New Year. Nowadays we celebrate it on January 1. Though it was not always. I want to tell you about history this holiday in our country. Before 1700 Russian people celebrated New Year on September 1. But Peter first decided to celebrate New Year on January 1 like in Europe. People decorated fir branches with fruits, vegetables, nuts and sweets. Moreover everyone made delicious food. Kings liked to celebrate the New Year and organized a huge celebration and masquerades. In 19th century a government set a Christmas tree in the central square. At the same time there was a tradition to drink champagne. I want to add that there was time when New Year wasn’t celebrated. It was after revolution from 1919 to 1935.
But in 1935 Russian people started to celebrate New Year again. At this time, returned the traditions that we all appreciate and love: to decorate the Christmas tree, drinking champagne, set a table, give each other gifts. There was a new and delicious custom: to prepare for the New Year salad Olivier. It was during these years appeared two main characters Father Frost and Snow Maiden. 
Today we keep these traditions and add new ones. People decorate a Christmas tree with toys and garlands, make a delicious dinner, make snowflakes from paper and glue them on the windows. At midnight President congratulates Russian with New Year on TV and we make a wish while a clock strikes 12 times and drinking champagne. Someone goes to walk and someone stays at home and watches interesting programs on TV with their family. It is important to note that there are about 10 holidays after New Year. In conclusion I want to say that all people in Russia like celebrate New Year because we hope the New Year will be better than last one.

The list of the used literature:

1. Н.В. Чудакова. Энциклопедия праздников. - М. Издательство АСТ, в редакции 2007 - 256 с. с иллюстрациями.

2. Энциклопедия для детей. - 2004 by Guint Editore S.p.A., Firenze- Milano/ Перевод на русский язык из-во «Махаон», 2004, 60 с. с иллюстрациями.

3. Русские традиции и обычаи/Википедия.

4. И.И. Гурова. Праздники в Великобритании.- СПб: Питер Пресс, 2006, 224 с.

5. Учебник, Английский язык /В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, И.Н. Костина и др.- 5 изд.- М.: Просвещение, 2015, 207 с.

6. Календарь праздников Великобритании/ /Википедия/.

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